Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Visit Amsterdam!

I've been preparing a short virtual visit of Amsterdam for the Virtourist website the last few weeks, and finally it is ready and online! You can visit this wonderful city which has been my home for more than a year now by clicking here. Enjoy!
Photo: Klovenierburgswal by Erinc Salor

Saturday, January 24, 2009


I haven't got the opportunity to post anything for a while. I have also been really lazy these last weeks (except during my trip in South Korea which was a delightful experience!). I haven't written a line for weeks now, my short stories are still waiting on my hard drive and somewhere in my mind. Ideas are still alive but structure is nowhere around! I will give myself some time, not too long though, but just enough to get back to work and being productive! Feels good even to write about it now!

Me upside down at the Film Museum in Mole Antonelliana , Torino, Dec 2007 (photo by Erinc Salor)