Thursday, June 4, 2009

Young People, Get your Mobile Phones!

I have been heavily involved in the creation of a competition for young people within the project I am currently working on, called Inclusion and Diversity in Education (INDIE). Getting ideas from my previous job experience and having seen what great things come out of films made with a mobile phone... I have thought that it would be great to ask the young people in secondary schools to make films with their mobile phones about diversity in their school, home and everyday life. Luckily the people I am working with on this project loved the idea and we developed it together: INDIE goes Mobile is now launched! The competition info and rules exist in several languages as it is open to all secondary school students in 9 European countries. So young people, get your mobile phones and show us how you see diversity!


Bijan said...

Sounds great. I know of a great project like this the name of which currently eludes me done in Northern Ireland I believe in problematic neighborhoods where youngsters were handed video devices to document their lives. Good luck!

Ayse Erin said...

Thanks Bijan! I hope we will have plenty of entries. We did so much work already with the schools (47 across Europe). We now want to involve more schools to present the best practice guidelines we will be launching in Spring 2010. In the meantime, we want to hear from the young people through this competition. I'll let you know the outcomes in Autumn!

Owen said...

Hi Canan. Really nice to see you promoting INDIE. It's a fantastic project and a really nice way to incorporate new technology - there's so much more like this that the British Council could (and should) be doing online.

Love the blog too; a really nice collection of posts.

Ayse Erin said...

Thanks Owen. I really like INDIE and I must say I'm quite proud of this competition. Like you say, we really need to be more in the 21st century - I keep talking about new technologies to my colleagues and try to add it in any of our projects... so we're going there, step by step :-)