Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Readers, Authors, Librarians, Publishers... All Against DRM!

If you're against DRM's (Digital Restrictions Management), there is a way to show it. Check the Readers Bill of Rights for digital books and gather the logo's from their website. I have to say I'm extremely tired of restrictions that are forced upon digital books. One recent example of misusing the digital medium to apply absolutely ridiculous restrictions - that aren't even relevant for the print version of a book! - is the 26 check-out policy on digital books HarperCollins has suggested to libraries. Cory Doctorow makes a very good criticism of this in his Guardian article Ebooks: durability is a feature not a bug
A French version of the logo's and the Reader's Bill of Rights exist on the e-bouquin website. Thanks to Clément Monjou for spreading the news on twitter.

Logo's in English on readersbillofrights.info
Logo's in French on ebouquin.fr

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